All WAAHP memberships are created through the National Association (NAAHP). To join WAAHP, click here to access the membership link on the NAAHP site.
WHY should you join the WAAHP??
Benefits are numerous - for YOU and your institution! We know that becoming a member of WAAHP will help you become a better pre-health advisor. You will:
Network and collaborate with other pre-health advisors
Develop pre-health advising skills
Stay up-to-date with rapidly-changing health fields
Connect to health professions schools and associations
Meet Admissions Deans
Learn about upcoming changes
Receive announcements from the health associations
Receive complementary publications
Medical Schools Admission Requirements (MSAR)
ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools
Osteopathic Medical College Information Book
Gain opportunities for professional development
Publishing in journals
Presenting at conferences
Leadership in WAAHP and NAAHP
Have access to the “Advisors Only” sections of the WAAHP and NAAHP website
Searchable Membership Directory
Contact information for Admissions Deans
Resources for over 20 different health professions
Searchable articles about health fields and pre-health advising
Resources for special populations (under-represented populations, international students, etc.)
Receive free and reduced advising resources and NAAHP publications:
New Advisors Handbook
Health Professions Admissions Guide
Pre-Medical Advisors Reference Manual
Interviewing Skills
AND receive reduced registration rates for regional and national conferences!